Definitely. Money is part of the story, but the bigger part is that after 13 years of—I don't want to call it a struggle, but that's how we talk in civil society—working to spread a culture of egalitarianism, we have reached a point where we can negotiate with the government on issues such as sheltering women and ending honour killings. Believe it or not, the laws have not changed. Neither Paul Bremer wanted to change them, nor consecutive governments wanted to lift the honour killing law or do anything against the trafficking of women.
The whole world is looking at the trafficking of Yazidi women under ISIS, but nobody knows that tens of thousands of Iraqi war orphans are being trafficked in broad daylight in Baghdad, in Basra, and Iraq proper. The government officials are not lifting a finger because some of them are beneficiaries of the fact that women are poorer and more vulnerable. We need logistical support in empowering our voices in negotiating with the government for a women's conference to be set up, for these issues to be put on the table, and for answers to be required from the Iraqi government. They are receiving all the income from oil revenue, and women are being impoverished and made more vulnerable in society.
As for inclusion on the reconciliation committees, that will definitely be one of the demands or requests on which we will need your support in the coming negotiations with the government.