Mr. Chair, thank you for your strong words off the top. I appreciate that.
I also appreciate the assistance in this request for the meeting today from the New Democratic Party. It's an example, as you said, of how concern for the families impacted transcends partisan politics. I agree with your quote that we're all deeply disturbed by a situation that since early to mid-December has resulted in a very concerning escalation of retaliatory actions by China with respect to our relationship.
If it's your understanding that the ambassador is available, we would like to move that we question the ambassador tomorrow on the current situation and Canada's response. My one request would be that, with thousands of Canadian families having questions about loved ones on the ground and about travel to China, the appearance of the ambassador not be in an in camera session. If there's certain information at the end of his briefing, we could go in camera for a portion of it, but I think Canadians, particularly those families contacting many of us as members of Parliament, need to hear directly about the response by Canada on the ground through Ambassador McCallum.
I would suggest that the first part of the meeting not be in camera, and then, if there's a portion that the ambassador wishes to restrict to an in camera session, we bifurcate the meeting that way.