Further to that, Mr. Matas, as the clause is currently structured—this came up when MP Genuis was testifying as well—it creates an offence with respect to the financial flow of consideration. It's not restricted to consent only. I put that out there.
Secondly, I think it's also important that as parliamentarians we target it as much as possible to what you describe as taking advantage—“exploitation” was the language you suggested. Right now, it criminalizes both the the vendor and the purchaser. That's a concern as well. What I would think we are trying to address is the purchaser and also, perhaps, the middleman, the broker who connects a potential purchaser with a potential vendor—the vendor sometimes being what people would describe as the destitute farmer in some developing country—for want of a better example. That's probably the last person we would want to criminalize.
The way I see proposed subsection 240.1(3) as it reads right now, that person would be criminalized. Could you comment on that?