Mr. Matas, it's an honour to speak with you even if it is over the phone. Thank you for your excellent work on this issue, as well as some good discussion here about some of the legal details.
These three points we discussed are important. I note that for each of the three you've shown us that not amending the legislation is a strong option. Of course, you're looking at it from a legal perspective. For us, the political perspective is very much doing something versus nothing. That may be the reality we're up against.
I just want to go through these three points again and probe them a little.
On the first point, the issue of reporting and the question of constitutionality, the legislation as it's currently drafted, if I understood you right, would fully allow the Governor in Council to designate the appropriate provincial authorities. That would get around any concerns about constitutionality. It would provide that the government was making the appropriate designations. There wouldn't be any question about treading on the division of powers because of the ability to designate that is open within the legislation.
Did I understand you right on that point?