This is an amendment to clause 2 as well.
The amendment would delete lines 18 to 23 on page 2. That clause specifically deals with the definition of informed consent. Consent was referenced in all three of the first incarnations of this legislation, but not the definition. I understand this was a later addition.
With proper intent, sometimes people create some additional challenges. In this case, the challenge of leaving it as a reference only to consent is that informed consent is a health law concept, as opposed to a criminal law concept, and people much better versed in law, and especially constitutional law and the breakdowns between provincial and federal jurisdictions, have flagged this. In fact, this is something that was debated and discussed during the debates on assisted dying legislation and the definition of informed consent was specifically excluded at that time from the government's legislation so as not to inadvertently cause jurisdictional problems in that legislation. The same would hold here.