[Witness spoke in Russian, interpreted as follows:]
When I start analyzing how these countries voted during the general assembly and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and so on—particularly the general assembly—I am just amazed at the number of countries that simply don't want to cast their vote. Countries such as Cuba and North Korea are obvious, and we know about their votes, but there are many countries that simply don't want to cast their vote. They want to maintain a good relationship with the Russian Federation.
Hence my question: What kind of morality are those countries showing to us? It is as if they're saying that they don't care. It's as if we were attacked by some bandits or highwaymen, but they don't want to interfere. For instance, a country that has the right of veto should have the responsibility for the security of the world, but they don't want to vote during the meetings of the Security Council concerning our country.
I think we should have sanctions not only against the aggressor, but also against those countries that support the aggressor. I don't see it being done. Obviously, I understand there are regimes that are supported by Russia. They receive weapons. They are not democratic; however, there are some ways of exerting pressure on them.
I know that the GDP is smaller than Italy's. It's half the GDP of California. Russia is not an empire anymore. Nevertheless, it is blackmailing the world with black weapons. It's too bad that western countries just succumb to this pressure. I think that's the most important thing.