Yes, I would say it's critical to continue working with local partners who are focused on working with civil society in the countries. In every country Oxfam works in, everything we do is with local partners. We do not do anything is isolation or do any direct implementation. It is critical to continue supporting Canadian civil society organizations that work with partners overseas.
Also, one of our mandates is to channel institutional funding to civil society organizations in the countries in which we work. Sometimes the accountability mechanisms for institutional funding are a little bit too heavy for local partners to manage. This is one support that we can provide to our partners as well. We can access the funding, channel it to them, and then help them with the accountability mechanism.
We think that having local funds, flexible funds, which don't have to be very large scale—the gender funds were not very big funds, the Canada fund is not a very big fund—for local organizations is critical, and it's accessible right there in-country, and the accountability and reporting mechanisms are a bit lighter. We would also recommend, then, that this be looked at and reinstated, if possible, because it's very useful funding for local partners.