Dr. Benn and Mr. Robinson, it's great to have you guys back at the committee.
I only have a chance for one question, so it will be a very short one, and hopefully I'll get a very long answer. The chair won't cut you off.
I think of transparency, and the great things about your organization in terms of what you do. We come under pressure for the dollars we give to multilateral organizations, not knowing how they work and whether they are effective and transparent.
Would you talk to us very briefly about the thought process in terms of the importance of transparency for you in how you choose and work with a country all the way through the process of self-sufficiency? At some point you're hoping the governments of the day that you're helping will be able to move into something self-sustaining. Would you take us through the psychology of where the Global Fund is in terms of how they choose and get people to self-sufficiency?