First, you asked whether we should review the percentage rather than the countries of focus in the region. In fact, I would say that both have to be reviewed. As I mentioned in my presentation, the 90% seems high to me. We have not done any studies to see what percentage would be more appropriate, but it seems to me that if we only have 10% left to respond to emergencies, that is not sufficient. Official development assistance is often asked to be reactive, but with a 10% margin of manoeuver it will be difficult to react. There's work to be done to review both that percentage and the countries of focus. I think both can be done.
You asked how long interventions should last, and how we should withdraw. That is not an easy question. The ultimate objective of official development aid is to reach a point where the country no longer needs it. Ideally, we should withdraw when we realize that we have reached a certain level and that the aid is becoming less useful. In practice, I know that that is not always the case, but I have no other ideas to share on that.