I'll go a little bit more into how we operate.
The first innovation that the Global Fund created was that in any country that we support, we ask the country to create a country coordinating mechanism. That was quite unique. This means they have to create a roundtable by the government, but also the civil society and private sector have to come together and then decide on what the priorities are for the country and what the strategy will be, and they submit their proposal.
In some countries—not all—it's important to say it's not just the government, that it's a country mechanism. It's often the civil society that is working in these prisons and that is putting these issues on the table. We encourage them to do so. It doesn't mean that we want to overrule the government, if you like, but we are asking any country that is submitting a proposal to the Global Fund to come together in a coordinated fashion through these country coordinating mechanisms. That is exactly what has happened in Russia and in other countries.
It's through this mechanism, through this roundtable, that we receive the proposals for programs in prisons and in other particularly vulnerable settings.