I am going to add a couple of very brief words, Mr. Chairman, first of all to say that it is a pleasure to be back in a committee with you as a former colleague over a number of years. I had the great privilege of serving as a member of Parliament for a little over 25 years, 15 of those years with the honour of serving on the foreign affairs committee. I have always thought it was the best, so congratulations to all of you for the opportunity to serve on the committee.
Christoph has told you a little bit about what the Global Fund is about. I have had the great privilege and honour of working with the fund and coordinating our engagement with parliamentarians around the world for almost eight years. When I meet with other members of Parliament, I use Canada as a role model of effective engagement across party lines on an issue that is about saving lives and promoting human rights and respect for people around the world.
As Christoph said, I really just want to take this opportunity to thank you. I think we have appeared a total of six times before this committee over the past few years. This will be my last opportunity to appear before the committee, as I am moving on from the Global Fund at the end of July.
It has seen the solid support of members of Parliament across party lines.
I see Dean Allison, who has been a great supporter, not just here in Canada but also working hard with the global TB caucus. There aren't a lot of votes in your constituencies for these issues; you are doing it because you believe in it passionately.
Peter, as a former minister himself, who is very supportive as well.
Robert, as you know, Hélène Laverdière has been present since the beginning with regard to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
Of course, there are colleagues on this side of the House as well, and the wonderful announcement. My final engagement with the Global Fund will be in Montreal on September 16 at the replenishment conference that Canada will be hosting and, with a 20% increase, following in the steps of the predecessor government.
Mr. Chairman, it has been a great privilege to work with members across party lines. I want to thank you for your leadership and for this opportunity to share a few words about a pretty special organization globally that is saving lives and that Canada is playing a critical role in leading.
Thank you.