Colleagues, before we hear from the witnesses, perhaps I could take five minutes of your time to deal with some business.
You will find in your package the fifth report of our committee. I wanted to get that approved. We went through it this morning in subcommittee and got unanimous consent to submit it to you for your perusal. On behalf of the committee, I want to present to you the fifth report. Your subcommittee met this morning to consider the business of the committee and agreed to the following recommendations:
1. That a travel budget in the amount of $147,484.90 to travel to Colombia and Guatemala, in relation to the studies on Women, Peace and Security and the Canadian Government’s Countries of Focus for Bilateral Development Assistance, be adopted.
2. That the Committee hold meetings with witnesses in Ottawa on June 9th and potentially June 21st in relation to its proposed travel to Colombia and Guatemala.
In the package you will find a proposal for the witnesses. These witness lists are always subject to change. So we'd like to start with that.
3. That the Committee adopts the second option detailed in the document prepared by the Library of Parliament and entitled “Options for a Report on the Countries of Focus for Canada’s Bilateral Development Assistance”.
You may want to have a quick look at option number two.
4. That the News Release for the comprehensive review of the Special Economic Measures Act and the Freezing Assets of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act be agreed to.
This is to indicate to the general public that early this fall, once we're back as per the order of the House, we will review these two acts. There is an understanding that the acts need to be reviewed after five years of their implementation. Then we'll make recommendations to the House on their effectiveness.
Are there any questions relating to the report?
Yes, Garnett.