We're here to confuse you.
I probably should have told you what my responsibilities were as ADM strategic policy, but one of them is to work on the private sector in international development. I also worked quite extensively with my team on the development finance initiative under the previous government.
You're right that it was unveiled in the last budget. The Budget Implementation Act made amendments to the act for the Export Development Corporation, so it is basically on the books, but we still need to make a decision on whether we go forward with it and, at the end of the day, it is also a question of whether this government is completely comfortable with its being within EDC.
Those deliberations are taking place right now. We're having broader discussions with ministers—Minister Bibeau in particular, Minister Dion to a certain extent as well, and Minister Freeland—about the role of the private sector in development. Certainly they understand the important role of the private sector. Official development assistance really is not the only player in town any more, as I think you know. The approximately $135 billion a year is dwarfed by private flows—by remittances and things like that.
I think the importance of the DFI in getting private sector money into developing countries, into those frontier markets where they may not otherwise want to go because of the risk, etc., is something very much on the new government's radar. As I say, we're in deliberations with them now, and I hope they'll make a decision soon.