Thank you, Mr. Chair.
My colleague, Hugh Adsett, and I are delighted to be here to support the committee's work, particularly given our respective responsibilities over policy and operations under SEMA and FACFOA. We recognize that the committee is interested in issues of sanctions, a matter that is quite horizontal and may go into areas beyond areas of our responsibility and may very well be interested in covering discussions around other statutes. I'd simply like to reassure the committee that Global Affairs Canada is willing and very much able to make officials available as your deliberations unfold.
Good afternoon. On behalf of Global Affairs Canada, I want to thank the committee for having us here.
The review of the Special Economic Measures Act and the Freezing Assets of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act comes at an opportune moment.
The Canadian government is revisiting policies and programs to ensure Canada’s international efforts are adapted to current global realities. This includes a number of policy reviews that were highlighted in ministerial mandate letters.
Internationally, the current conflicts have global dimensions. For example, the war in Syria has resulted in a refugee crisis spreading from the Middle East to Europe. States such as North Korea continue to challenge international stability and security. Given this context, a review of legislative instruments is important.
The Special Economic Measures Act was introduced in 1992 to improve Canada’s ability to join other states in promptly and effectively applying economic sanctions. This was done in the context of the increasing trend by the international community to use economic sanctions as a means of maintaining international peace and security while reducing the recourse to military force.
The act allows Canada to adopt regulations to restrict or control the activities of Canadians and persons in Canada by prohibiting their engagement in what would otherwise be lawful business or economic activities with a foreign state or with persons or entities associated with that state.
The act specifically allows Canada to impose economic sanctions through regulations in two situations: first, when an international organization or association, of which Canada is a member, calls on its members to take economic measures against a foreign state; and second, when a grave breach of international peace and security has occurred that has resulted or is likely to result in a serious international crisis.
Asset freezing—for example, the prohibition from dealing in any property held by a designated person—is one of the targeted tools that can be used to impose economic measures once an act criteria has been met. The determination of individuals and entities to designate for asset freezing is usually done in coordination with like-minded countries.
In the case of the Special Economic Measures Act, Canada typically imposes sanctions to complement existing UN-mandated sanctions, for example, in the case of Iran or North Korea, or when the United Nations Security Council is unable to reach a consensus, such as the case of sanctions against Russia for its actions in Crimea. Canada’s use of sanctions imposed under the act has increased over the past decade, growing from one regime in 2007 to nine in 2016. Canada currently has sanctions imposed under the act against Burma, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Russia, South Sudan, Syria, Ukraine and Zimbabwe.
With respect to FACFOA, I should first note that it was enacted in 2011 to response to the Arab Spring events. Accordingly, it provides a responsive tool for Canada to support a foreign state that is in political turmoil and seeks to transition towards democratic rule and governance. The FACFOA authorizes the Governor in Council to temporarily freeze the assets of allegedly corrupt foreign officials, at the request of a foreign state, to allow this foreign state the opportunity to seek the ultimate seizure and recovery of assets through mutual legal assistance frameworks. Canada currently has regulations freezing the assets of politically exposed persons in relation to Ukraine and Tunisia.
In closing, I note that while FACFOA is utilized on behalf of a foreign state, the SEMA authorizes the Governor in Council to take action against a foreign state. In this respect, FACFOA sits apart from Canada's sanctions regime.
With these considerations in mind, my colleague and I look forward to your questions.