Colleagues, we'll bring this meeting to order. This is meeting number 29, for those who are counting, of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Development. I would like to continue, pursuant to the order of reference given to us on Thursday, April 14, with section 20 of the Freezing Assets of Corrupt Foreign Officials Act, a statutory review of that act.
With us today are three witnesses. Two are on video conference. We can see both of our witnesses via video conference, and I understand they can hear us over there in Geneva and in Toronto.
One of our witnesses today is John Boscariol. He's a partner and the leader of the international trade and investment law group at McCarthy Tétrault. John is in Toronto, as I said.
In front of us is Meredith Lilly, associate professor at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs at Carleton University. Welcome, Meredith.
Last, we have Thomas Biersteker, professor and director of policy research at the Graduate Institute in Geneva.
We welcome all three witnesses to the committee. As you know, we're in the midst of a very important review of legislation. What we're proposing to do this afternoon is have all three witnesses make presentations, and then we'll go into a good hour or so of our questions and your answers.
It looks like we're going to go with John now, who is first on our witness list. Then we'll go to Meredith, and then Thomas, if that's good with everyone.
I'll turn the floor over to John Boscariol.