Thank you.
I agree 100% with Professor Goldman about the punitive purpose, and I would never suggest that the purpose of punishment, when it is achieved, whether in domestic law or international affairs, is useless. On the contrary, punishment is of crucial importance here because, it seems to me, the ability to inflict harm sends that important message. Just because it's symbolic doesn't make it useless by any means.
This is where I come to your question about the United Nations and the UN sanctions. It seems to me that it's when the United Nations takes those measures that you get the maximum punitive effect in that symbolic sense of being able to communicate a dislike for a particular set of actions. Denunciation of those actions becomes, then, an important part of the punitive exercise. It seems to me that when the UN does it, the international community operating through the UN, as opposed to individual states, either unilaterally or plurilaterally, you get the maximum symbolic effect.