I think we might just leave it there.
Colleagues, on your behalf I want to thank both our witnesses, Mr. Genser and Mr. Kramer, for a very good and honest discussion about the whole issue of sanctions.
As you may have noticed, the committee is grappling with the whole process of, if you're going to include gross human rights violations, how you would do that from a processing point of view as a state. It's a legitimate question that we've been asking just about every witness. To be honest, it's not one we have had a very good answer to yet, simply because it is one that I think other states are also grappling with equally. We have to find an answer to that question if this committee is to recommend that to the government, because no legislation is worth anything if it can't be implemented in an effective manner.
We want to thank you very much for your presentations, and if there's any information you think the committee should receive, please feel free to send it on to us as we're looking for all and good sources of information on this matter.