There are a couple of parts to that question.
First, with respect to the implementation of the JCPOA, obviously the IAEA, headquartered in Vienna, is working very hard on this. The Canadian delegation there is among those keeping a very close watch on what's happening in that context. I addressed some of that in my opening statement. There's a very tight review of the implementation of the JCPOA.
With respect to other reasons why we are keeping a close watch on Iranian activity, there are other vehicles through which the government pursues its policy. With respect to human rights, the committee will no doubt be familiar with the resolution at the UN General Assembly on human rights that Canada led, which passed last week through the committee stage. This is another vehicle that reflects Canadian and the international community's views on the Iranian human rights record. There are other legislative provisions as well that bear on this. IRPA. the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act provides vehicles for admissibility of certain individuals, of certain backgrounds into Canada. Those kinds of things also come into play in this context when you're looking at the suite of tools that the government has available to it to deal with this issue.