If you're re-engineering the administration of sanctions, I would encourage the committee and the government to look at a number of jurisdictions and pick and choose elements that are the best from each, but you have to think about what works for Canada.
I picked Australia because it's about the same size as Canada. I could just say OFAC, but we appreciate that the Government of Canada may not want to use that kind of a model.
From my understanding, Australia is one regime that hasn't had a lot of complaints from the banks. It is collaborative. It provides guidance. It seems to work.
I've seen elements of the U.K. model. It provides certain guidance. I wouldn't necessarily use that as the gold standard.
I've seen good elements of the OFAC model, such as the FAQ and just being able to publish questions and answers. That's a great start. That's all we were actually asking Global Affairs to do. We even asked it to make it generic. We'd even offer to help draft what we think the answer is, and then just make sure it confirms that it's the correct interpretation and posts it, but there has been a general reluctance to do that.