Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
Ms. Prost, thank you for your presentation.
I would like to come back to the point raised by my colleague Dean Allison.
With regard to the Freezing Assets of Corrupt Foreign Official Act, you basically said that those tools already exist. Indeed, we have a mutual assistance agreement. We also have the possibility of targeting a country, ministers and so on. However, there is one situation that does not seem to quite be covered.
There have been cases, including a case of a Russian individual—I don't have his name at the moment—who was banned from entering Canada for corruption. This man is not being pursued by his own country, which is shielding him. So we cannot go through the mutual legal assistance treaty. He is part of a government whose actions people do not appreciate, but that is not why he was targeted. Rather, it was because he was recognized as a corrupt individual.
Isn't that something that is not covered by our other legislation?