Colleagues, that wraps up our first hour of witnesses.
On behalf of the committee, I want to thank Ms. Prost for taking time to give us her wisdom as it relates to her background and to some of the challenges that she's had at the Security Council.
Ms. Prost, if there is anything else that you would like the committee to be aware of, please feel free to correspond with us through the clerk, and we will certainly have a look at it.
One issue in particular that you did speak to that we didn't have a chance to talk about is the FACFOA part of our work. It is intended to be a review based on a piece of legislation that's been here for roughly five years, and after five years had a review clause in it.
One of the questions I've been asking whenever I get a chance is whether this piece of legislation is worth keeping on the books. Nobody seems to think that highly of it, at least from a witness point of view. You yourself didn't seem to think it was all that necessary. I'd be very interested in that, because one of the things we will recommend to the government, through the House, is whether we renew it, whether we put another review clause in it, or whether we just suggest that it should be removed off the books if it's not of any relevance to the government and the process of sanctions of some kind.
Those are the questions we have to ask ourselves when we report back to the House, so I'd be very interested in your views. I know we don't have enough time today, but I'm sure that you have a strong view of that as well.
On behalf of the committee, thank you very much for appearing this afternoon.