No. We were admonished by the OECD when they did the evaluation of our Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act, and then the government responded by creating these units.
Three years ago we were told by the RCMP that they had two big cases, and we saw $9 million and $10 million penalties. We saw charges in a third case. We were told that the RCMP had active investigations under way on 34 other cases. We have not heard anything about those other 34 cases, and I dare say that if you cross-examine them, you will discover that either the cases have disappeared or they simply don't have any resources to work on them.
I would say we've slipped from, say, 2014 to 2015. Certainly from 2015 on, I would say we've slipped in terms of our enforcement of the Corruption of Foreign Public Officials Act.
As you all know, there's one very big case, SNC-Lavalin. That's going to go on for a long time because they are looking for an administrative remedy rather than a criminal sanction, and we haven't officially moved in that direction. I'm not opposed to our moving in that direction, by the way, but Canada hasn't.
We have another SNC-Lavalin case that isn't really their case, because they weren't charged, but Mr. Wallace and the corruption involved in the Bangladesh bridge are also in process. There are two big cases going on, both connected, but nothing else whatsoever is really percolating.