If everyone would please take a seat, we'll get into the last hour.
For those of you who are new members, I think you saw the report. We did a study on Hong Kong before the election in 2015, so we see this as a bit of a follow-up. To the members who got back to Angela to say that it was okay that we get a follow-up, thank you very much for that.
We have Chang Ping here, who is a journalist. He will talk a bit about his work and what he's doing. Gloria Fung, who actually testified before our committee sometime in 2015, is here as a translator. Mr. Ping will talk, and then Ms. Fung will translate.
Even though we're in public to talk about what we're doing, we want this to be sort of informal. Then we'll just go back and forth for maybe a couple of questions to follow up from that. I don't know if people had a chance to look at it, but there was a report that the clerk sent out on some of the work that we did in the previous government.
I'm going to turn it over to Mr. Ping now to give us his opening testimony. I believe Ms. Fung is going to translate for us, and then we'll try to get a couple of questions in here in the next half an hour to 40 minutes.