The type of legislation I proposed as a template seeks to amend SEMA and includes acting with respect to corrupt officials not simply by request but on our own initiative, but whatever sanctioning legislation is ultimately adopted, I think it's important that there also be a due process dimension to that legislation.
I don't think we can act peremptorily or arbitrarily. The whole point of the legislation is that we intend to act in accordance with the rule of law and to pursue justice internationally and domestically. The only way we can do that is if we give assurance that people have rights of redress with respect to that legislation. That is built into the bill that I provided. It's also in the legislation in the U.S. and in the U.K.
I think it is possible, on the one hand, to empower the Canadian government to act so as to combat impunity and at the same time to ensure that in the course of doing so, we provide appropriate notice, hearing, and rights for those who may be caught up in the orbit of that legislation.