To the secretary general and his team, thanks for being here. I guess it was only Madam Laverdière and I who were down at the OAS in 2013, so it's great the committee is.... Maybe when we go to the U.S., the OAS is one of the places we can pop by and visit, if we have time. It was a great experience for us to learn a bit about what you guys are doing. Obviously, you're one of the multilateral organizations that Canada's involved in with regard to South America and Central America that provides a unique opportunity for us to engage.
One of the things we learned was that you guys, and that you as a boss, have lots of challenges just because of the states that are involved and all the issues. We learned about all the great things you guys do. One of the things we heard about was mission creep, and about wanting to do a ton of things but with limited finances. You touched on it earlier. I know that Hélène mentioned it as well.
I'm wondering if you could talk very briefly about some of the things you're hoping you can accomplish given the fact that you have to manage these states that are all different, you have to manage all the things that you guys are trying to do at the OAS, and then you have to deal with the budgetary things as well. Could you talk a bit about what you as the secretary general are hoping to accomplish during your mandate?