Good afternoon, Your Excellency, and a very warm welcome on a chilly day here in Ottawa.
I think we can all agree on the importance of the OAS and how Canada feels about a strong OAS for geopolitical stability and for the advancement of human rights. It seems there are some groups of countries within the OAS who have maybe a different agenda—maybe Venezuela or Brazil. If you look at the formation of the ALBA group, or UNASUR when you talk about Venezuela, Venezuela had invited UNASUR to watch over the elections instead of inviting the OAS. In terms of human rights, especially with the courts, and when you have a backlog of cases, countries like Ecuador, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Nicaragua seem to be cutting their funding.
I'm wondering about the challenge you feel in trying to keep everybody united, to keep the objective in terms of making sure that everybody pays their fair share, and to make sure that the geopolitical stabilities are maintained so that you don't have different groups going off in different directions.