Good morning, everyone. Welcome to meeting number 47, pursuant to Standing Order 108(2), our study of the situation in eastern Europe and central Asia 25 years after the end of the Cold War.
We had a chance to meet as a subcommittee yesterday, and you have the report before you. I just want to know if everyone is okay with approving that report before we get started with our witnesses.
I'll give you a minute to read it. It talks about a couple of individuals we were hoping would come before the committee. We're going to send out an invitation to them and see if they can work with our schedule. We'll be looking at the main estimates, and we were going to bring in someone to give us a little bit of an overview on that. We had written letters to the chairmen of the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the U.S. House Foreign Affairs Committee, our equivalents in the United States, to invite them to Ottawa. Those letters were sent to you electronically over the last day. Those are the four items on the subcommittee that we discussed yesterday.
Does anyone have any issues with that at all? All right, then. If there are no issues, I'll call the question.
All those in favour of adopting the subcommittee report?