I'd like to thank you all for being here and for sharing with us what is really a story of bravery, of very important advocacy work.
Madam Nemtsova, I'm very sorry for your family's loss. These are difficult issues to deal with as parliamentarians, but that's our job. We're very blessed to have you here today.
Mr. Kara-Murza, I would underline that: a 5% chance. You made a very articulate presentation.
Mr. Browder, the story is fascinating. I followed it in the press and I also read a bit of the book. You're a tireless champion for human rights.
The work that all of you are doing in Mr. Magnitsky's name is critical, so critical, I think, that I want to put this question to you just as a way to get some ideas. What about generalizing what you're calling for here, having it as a general principle, as part of a broader sanctions regime that would look at travel bans, that would deal with visas, with all of the things you're calling for, but applying it generally and not to one specific state? Mr. Magnitsky's name could of course be used.
What do you think of that? It could maximize the good work that can be done here. I wonder if you think there's merit in this kind of an approach.
That's for anyone.