We do look forward to, and you heard the previous guest talking about, pre-clearance at land crossings. It does seem maddening that the same truck leaves the same plant with the same product heading for the same buyer driven by the same driver every day on behalf of Chrysler, Magna, or someone, and has to be stopped and searched at the border over and over again. You wonder why we can't build a trusted shipper design. Your friend with the same driver going every year, or more often, would be a candidate for it.
I'm of the mind that this American administration will like that kind of stuff. I think we'll see them engaged on that. I think they'll see that as forward progress and a way of getting rid of the waste of the resources that are currently employed. The one caveat here—and I think we all know it—is the nightmare scenario for us that someone whom we've let into our country, but whom the Americans wouldn't have allowed into their country, crosses the border and commits a crime. That will be on every news broadcast. We have to demonstrate, and the political leaders more than anyone, I think, have to demonstrate, that we have their backs. Americans have to believe this and that we're serious about their security. That's an overwhelmingly significant issue and not one that we quite absorb north of the border.