Laura, great to see you again. I'm glad to see that you're doing well in Washington. I'm going to ask a couple of questions and then pass it over to Mr. Kent.
It seems that the administration is still proceeding with pre-clearance and all these other things, which obviously, would be great. How do you square that with the border tax and some of the disruptive things you talked about? You said you may expand a bit on the border tax.
A second question, and a subset of that, is whether you could talk to us about your knowledge of what the subsidies are for agriculture in the U.S. I know they talk about dairy, but I've heard from supply-managed people that subsidies are upwards of $30 billion. We asked our officials and they're going to get back to us, but do you have any knowledge or understanding of subsidies that the U.S. provides to agriculture as well?