That is a very good question. Since you have asked it in English, perhaps I am supposed to answer it in English as well.
I'm happy to do that.
Obviously, North Korea is a huge security concern for the whole world. It is also true that China is the principle supplier of materials, goods, and services to North Korea. China has more influence over North Korea by far than any other country. China doesn't have complete influence over North Korea. North Korea tends to march to its own drummer, but China has an influence. The issue is what steps China might take.
We have certainly been monitoring this very carefully. I have been in touch with my counterpart, Canada's ambassador to Korea. Events of recent weeks have been of great concern.
It's not really my area, because I'm in China, not Korea. I would just say that my sense is that China is in the process of taking stronger actions vis-à-vis North Korea. I think they were already on that path before the interaction with the U.S. government. My sense is that the two presidents meeting has tended to push China to be more proactive in terms of trying to rein in North Korea, but I think they were already on that path.
It remains an area that is difficult to predict, and of huge concern, obviously, to the people of South Korea but also to the whole world.