Thank you very much for your question.
I'll answer in English, unfortunately.
Just to be clear, the Canadian American Business Council is 30 years old this year. We were created as proponents of free trade and as champions for Canada-U.S. free trade in particular. Our members believe that, with the global interconnectedness of the world, free trade is the right approach. We like the idea of free trade. We really liked the idea of the trans-Pacific partnership. We thought that was a very good modern trading agreement to create rules of the road going forward. Unfortunately, the current U.S. government has stepped back from that. That may not hold back the other 13 countries, but it holds back the United States at the moment.
We like free trade around the world. Our next choice is trans-Pacific, a big arrangement, and then trans-Atlantic, modelling somewhat, perhaps, on the Canada-EU agreement, which is currently the most modern agreement there is. We like free trade across the board, big blocs if you can get it, the more countries in the better. In the context of NAFTA, we think a trilateral agreement makes a lot of sense, so we're for that. We're already pretty well integrated trilaterally.
Our point is not to get hung up on that. If it's politically impossible for the U.S. to move forward with a comprehensive economic relationship with Mexico, for various reasons—Mexican politics, U.S. politics, etc.—then we think we shouldn't be delayed by that but move forward with a bilateral negotiation. Our point is that we prefer TPP. If we can't have TPP, we prefer trilateral. If we can't have trilateral, certainly we should move forward on a new agreement between Canada and the United States. We think it's doable and possible.
The clerk has copies of my remarks, which you asked for at the beginning. I'm happy for you to have those, to make those available. Also, much of what we talk about is available on our website.