Well, I don't have any great sources of information. I just read the press very, very carefully and listen to a lot of people. My judgment is that it's not just the Trump administration. Everybody who seriously looks at defence recognizes that North Korea is going to be a problem. The question is how you deal with that.
I think the sense in Washington is that the people who really have influence over North Korea are the Chinese, but because the Chinese have that influence, they know they have leverage over us, so they don't do anything. Their interests are not to do anything, because they fear that the north might collapse and they'd have problems with that, or the north and south would be united with a South Korean type of regime and that would be a threat to them. They have all kinds of things they can bring to the table that concern them.
What I think they should be thinking about is this: if they do nothing, the North Koreans are going to have nuclear weapons and missiles. I sometimes say they'll probably aim at San Francisco and end up hitting Los Angeles—