We have registered our draft law for this purpose.
There are two key ideas behind this proposition. First, this court should be absolutely independent from the system, because now we have only justice for corruption. It is very important to have such independence. Second, we propose inviting the Canadian government, the U.S. government, the European Union to send representatives for the selection of the judges, because we have, unfortunately, many examples of manipulation of the rules—even good rules now, imitating the process.
We realize that the presence of foreigners in such procedures would allow us to have more honesty, more principles, and better choices. When we adopt the legislation, of course, the minister of justice of our government will candidly ask your government to send representatives. We will be happy to have your support.
I also want to add to your question about possible co-operation in support and reform. I am very grateful. With Andriy, we used to be journalists in the past. I am very excited at how important and how effective your support is in establishing a public broadcaster in Ukraine.
All central TV channels now are in the hands of oligarchs, unfortunately. Having a strong public broadcaster is also a good anti-corruption measure and a very important tool for building democracy with the citizens. Fortunately, we have finished the formation of the legislation for such public broadcasting. Last month, a good first director of the company was selected in a very open process.
You have a great tradition here, with Great Britain also, and having your support is very important. Simply, please continue this very effective co-operation.