First of all, I thank you.
One of the success stories is that we have deregulated a lot of things in the economy in the last two and a half years. We cancelled around 40% of different paperwork certificates, and doing that is good for business.
You asked a question about privatization. Unfortunately, there is no big success story so far. During the last two years, we have not privatized anything. We have been only talking about it. There are different reasons for this. Some of the plants that are of high value for the economy should take time to be properly sold. But this is only one side. Second is that we have hundreds of state enterprises that should have been sold a long time ago. We could even have sold them during the last two years. They are also the reason for corruption, as Iegor mentioned. That's why privatization so far is not a success story in Ukraine.
You mentioned some enterprises such as the alcohol industry and sea ports. I think during 2017 we will make progress, and some of these enterprises will be sold. They should be sold.
Another significant part, and I think you will ask this question, is related to agricultural land. It's also a big part of the story for 2017. If you have this question, I can answer it later.
We liberalized the market. You mentioned the gas industry. We voted for the legislation that created the market for the gas industry and would allow foreign companies to get access to the market, not only to trade, but also the prospect of investing in the infrastructure of the industry. I think this is also big progress.