Thank you, Chair, and thank you all for your testimony.
I have two questions. You started your presentation talking about whether Ukraine is an object or a subject. You've been to Washington. Reading the tea leaves, it would appear that for the U.S. administration, Ukraine is more of an object rather than a subject—that you are simply a strategic asset to be deployed from time to time in order to smooth over relationships between the Russians and the Americans. I'm interested in your observations with respect to your visit to Washington in a bit more detail.
My second question is with respect to the issues raised by Mr. Kmiec regarding the provision of lethal aid and the radar images. That has been an issue of some concern, particularly at the Department of National Defence, and there's a concern that things don't end up where they should end up. I'd be interested in your advice to the Department of National Defence specifically, and to the Government of Canada generally, with respect to how the government can receive some assurances that this important military material doesn't go where it shouldn't go. We have an obligation to our own citizens to make sure that if we provide this material, it's not used for anything other than what was intended.