Thank you.
Definitely, such an agreement would be of great importance to Ukraine. We believe this is the way we should go. I believe also that it will be mutually beneficial for both countries, not only for Ukraine, and I'll explain why.
Yes, you're right that we still exploit a lot of equipment that is produced either by Ukraine and Russia or even sometimes in Russia. We do understand that we cannot continue like this because, definitely, having the enemy at our border, we cannot exploit the weapons that are designed and developed in those territories.
We have a proposal, and we are standing by this. I believe that we will be able to implement it also, with the support of international partners. We would like to have your support here as well to reform the military industry sector in Ukraine.
The current design of the military industry sector, Ukroboronprom, was established by Yanukovych, actually, to undermine the military industry and to make it corrupt. So we have to change it.
The first step should be to provide for the international audit of Ukrainian enterprises, to corporatize them, and then to ensure that investment, even private investment or international investment, comes to Ukrainian military enterprises. That would help us to resolve the issue you are mentioning.
This is already in strategic Ukrainian defence documents like the strategic bulletin, and we hope it will also be reflected in the quite recent bill. We expect to have the bill on national security passed quite soon.