Thank you very much, Madame.
I will leave the anti-corruption court for Iegor to respond to.
With regard to reforms and everything that relates to the supposed fatigue, sorry, but it's Russian propaganda. When we hear, for example, about Ukraine's fatigue, I'm always asking the question, why is there no French fatigue or Bangladeshi fatigue? There is only one country in the world that somehow is referred to as having “fatigue”. Definitely it's imposed because of the first thing that I've been mentioning, that Ukraine has been considered as an object. You cannot take it seriously and consistently.
Reforms are demanded by society. Even more, we've been saying that people no longer expect just the legislation; they expect the outcomes. They want to see the results of those reforms.
When we speak about international support, it's true that in a lot of cases we can push for the reforms only with the help of international assistance. You have to have the parade of three planets to push for any significant step. First is the demand from society. Second is the will of those hundreds of people who are in parliament and are devoted to changing something. And third is the support of our international partners. When we have all those three factors together, we can push for the step forward. But this all for Ukrainian people. And the demand for this is just increasing in Ukraine.
Now if we speak about how Canada can change and improve this, I was wondering yesterday what we should do more of. We should talk more. We should spend way more time talking to each other, to Ukrainian MPs and government officials coming here to talk to you, and you going to Ukraine, but not only to Kyiv and the parliamentary committee, but also to Odessa, Kharkiv, and Kramatorsk. You should reach as far as you can to understand Ukraine and to form your own opinion, to work with us together. I think that would be the first way to do this. Your government is always supportive towards Ukraine. This is just about our common decisions and anti-corruption.
Thank you.