Yes. As you were just mentioning, just yesterday there was the case of one more Crimean Tatar who has been arrested and sentenced in Kuban, actually.
The situation is drastic. You understand that this is the consequence of what Russia has aimed to do. Of course, the human rights situation for both the Crimean Tatars and the Ukrainian minority is awful. Very rarely do you hear somebody mention that there's a Ukrainian minority there. Unfortunately, those people are prosecuted just for being a minority, just for being Tatars or for being Ukrainians. There's no other reason.
I believe that what we have to do, all together, is to put more attention on the primary reasons it's happening. Maybe people eventually will get that this is just because Russia entered Crimea, is trying to build a military base there, and is trying to empty this land of anyone except Russian soldiers. This is primary objective of the whole occupation of Crimea. It's to establish the military base and empty the land so that it is filled only with Russian soldiers and Russian weapons. If we don't speak about this, about the primary reason for this occupation and annexation of Crimea, we can collect all this information about human rights violations, yes, but eventually we will lose the focus. Eventually we will not be able to have an impact on the situation, to change the situation, even when we return Crimea back....
In my understanding—this is my personal view—I believe we have to pay way more attention to the primary reasons for the occupation and the illegal annexation of Crimea.