Okay, I'll move on to another one.
This is also tactical. I'll explain it as well.
We're on the opposition side, so one of the things we're proposing is that Ukraine be added to the automatic firearms country control list, which would basically allow the Canadian government and companies here to export lethal defensive equipment to Ukraine.
Other countries in Europe are already on this list, such as Bulgaria, Romania, and many of our NATO allies. It would basically facilitate that transfer of equipment.
I have a two-part question.
First, do you think that would be useful for Ukrainian troops on the ground? Obviously.
Second, I know that a lot of your current equipment comes from the Russian Federation or is nearer to the Soviet style of equipment. To your knowledge, how is the integration of western equipment going, whether it be medical equipment or troops.
Then, obviously, the other part of it is that you may get equipment, but then you need the parts, the knowledge, and the training for your troops to maintain that equipment, to keep it up to date, and everything that comes with adopting another region's equipment specifications.
Would being added to the list be something that your government would like to see, and how would the integration go so that the equipment is quickly used and deployed in the field?