I want to return briefly to privatization. Then I want to ask you about your foreign relations with other countries.
I want to ask you about the advisers. I know that when Poland gained its independence from the Soviet Union, Janusz Lewandowski was the Polish minister in charge of privatization. They had hired amongst others Jeffrey Sachs, David Lipton, and Bartlomiej Kaminski, who was a professor at the University of Maryland, to help them in their privatization drive.
Has the Ukrainian parliament directed the hiring of foreign experts to help in the privatization?
Mr. Miroshnichenko, you have said for two years now that there has not been any privatization of state-owned enterprises. That was always this problem in Poland. Górnicy and others made it very difficult, but it was essential to reach higher GDP growth as well as the greater employment, higher incomes, and the taxation that comes from it.
Have you hired foreign experts? Are you actually using them? Is the government using them, or are they just there for window dressing?