You've made a presentation for almost an hour now, and you haven't mentioned the word “religion” once. Yet around the world, almost without exception, almost all of these conflicts are religion-driven. In almost every country that you've mentioned where there are difficulties with children, religious conflict has been at the root of the difficulty, or certainly a prime cause.
The small “l” liberal mind has an allergy to talking about the core elements of religious conflict, so I would be interested in knowing how the UN in particular, and your organization as well, addresses this. When you're going into an area, how do you engage the religious authorities so that the belief construct of the conflict is reduced?
You mentioned Myanmar. Well, the conflict there is a Muslim-Buddhist one. India is having difficulties with Hindus and Christians and Sikhs. Pakistan is a no-go area for minority religions. There may well be in Kurdistan an emerging conflict with minority religious groups. You know the scene better than I do.
I would be interested in your thoughts on how you provide aid and intervention without actually mentioning religious conflict.