With trade infrastructure, so a border infrastructure bank.... I'm speaking only about trade infrastructure, not building sewage treatment plants or parks, but with trade infrastructure, the private sector is the majority funder of trade infrastructure. They are the owners of trade infrastructure. They are the operators of trade infrastructure.
Our previous work, “Building on Advantage”, which makes the case for trade infrastructure in Canada, looked at Port Metro Vancouver. The port is spending the money to modernize the port, but they're also spending money outside of the port on road exchanges and grade separations. When you look at trade infrastructure, it's different from other infrastructure. You really have to make that distinction.
It's not a matter of bringing the private sector in. The private sector is already there. The problem with trade infrastructure, and we've been working with Minister Sohi on this, is bringing the private sector in to play a role in prioritization and decision-making about what trade infrastructure gets built. This is what Australia does. This is what Malaysia is doing. This is standard practice at the G20, advocated as best practice. We're not doing this in Canada.
We're working with Minister Sohi. We've done a series of round tables across the country. We've had round tables with the minister on how to do this.