I'm sorry but I don't know enough about that specific area on CBI, confidential business information, to comment. I have a colleague, and if you like, we'll exchange cards, and I can put him in touch with you.
In terms of working with our American counterpart in this area, I know there is a lot of co-operation going on. There is some concern that we don't get too tied up in a whole series of legal hoops. Bear in mind that the U.S. system is much more on legal interpretations and fighting things in court. Our view is sometimes that is after the horse has left the barn. You're going to be fighting to say, “We need compensation because you released this information.”
We've had a good working relationship within the public service, and on access to information requests, the rules are clear on what they can't reveal, and the government is good at what they don't reveal. That may not be particularly pleasing to some of the press, but in the end, it respects ownership and value of property.