The second question I want to ask is about the Pacific. I think that because we have a close proximity to the American-Mexican border, Canadian business has a built-in advantage, especially with the United States. We share the same language, same culture, generally the same set of rules and laws. The one thing right now, if you look at where growth is really happening, it's really happening in Asia and I don't think we're taking advantage of it.
Yes, trade deals are important, but they have to be the right trade deals with the right framework with those emerging economies, not economies that are not doing so well.
I know you've written about this. What can we do to pivot that way? If you look at what Australia is doing, they have not gone around the world saying they're going to sign free trade deals with everybody. They've focused on their part of the world and said they're going to get the best trade deals they possibly can with the countries that surround them.
Because in North America we really only have two countries, what can we do to pivot and go toward the Pacific where the growth is going to probably be the strongest? You could also argue Latin America, but specifically with the Asia-Pacific countries, what can we do?