Port authorities are agnostic as to the cargo they handle. We are here to support Canadian government trade and economic policies. As a result, we handle whatever is deemed to be desirable and, of course, legal.
I think the comments that were made at the time by the premier point to what I've been talking about all along, which is this notion of symbiosis and interconnectedness. Whether that specific threat were to be acted upon or was simply a way of highlighting the activity that takes place on both sides of the border, the point I made earlier is very true: we are integrated. Valuable cargo from the U.S. goes to Canadian ports and vice versa. A supply chain serves both sides of the border, so if you try to make one unilateral change in one area, you have to be conscious of the impact on the whole picture, because it will have an impact on the whole picture.
What I took from of the premier's comments was her pointing out of that interconnectedness.