Thank you very much for coming here.
Mr. Carter, I'm going to start off with you, because I read a report that you had written back in October, and you gave two very clear distinctions of DFIs. You spoke about the CDC, and the work it did in Sierra Leone, working with Standard Chartered Bank and trying to make sure that the SMEs affected by the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone were financed and that growth was recovered. You talked about OPIC, the Overseas Private Investment Corporation, which is the American DFI, and about their national security interest in the Republic of Georgia in 2008, where they stabilized the residential and commercial market.
You have two distinct and separate usages of the DFIs. When we're looking at our strategic focus, how should we align our national security and humanitarian interests? What should take precedence? What parameters should we look at? If you could provide some general comments, I'd be interested.