Thank you, Mr. Chair.
I'd like to thank our witnesses for being here this morning.
Since I come from the French-speaking part of the country, my questions will be in French. If you experience a problem with the interpretation, don't hesitate to raise your hand.
My first question is for you, Ms. Noble, but Mr. Maxwell and Mr. Carter, please feel free to comment as well.
As part of a previous study, we looked at Canada's approach to international aid based on target countries. The United Kingdom was often cited as a model for having deliberately chosen to meet the 0.7% target for foreign aid spending. Does that in any way affect your institute's capacity to generate revenue or attract executives?
In your opening statement, Ms. Noble, you talked about the challenge of recruiting high-calibre executives who will accept to work for less money. Does the U.K.'s leadership in international aid make it easier to recruit people and fund-raise?