That's a very good question. How do we make sure our investments are responsible? We just completed a 60-page due diligence report on a bank in Ukraine.
I would argue that, although the countries, the societies, and the legal framework in the countries we're working in are less advanced and less mature in their legal and regulatory frameworks than in North America, the investments made through DFIs and organizations like MEDA and Desjardins are subject to an intense amount of scrutiny and analysis, even more so, I would argue, than some of the investments in North America. I suggest this is designed to offset the lesser regulatory environment in these countries.
Be assured that when you're working in this area with DFIs—and presumably with the new Canadian DFI—and with private sector investments, they are subject to intense analysis to make sure they are environmentally sound, are reaching the right places, and to the extent possible, are not putting people at undue risk.