I'd like to speak to that, Mr. Chair.
I move that clause 9 in Bill S-226 be amended by replacing lines 19 to 25 on page 7 with the following.
Under “Mistaken Identity”, the first word in the paragraph should be “Any”. Next to the word “person”, the following should be included: “in Canada or any Canadian outside Canada whose name is the same as or similar to the name of a foreign national”. Toward the end of line 21, “if they claim” should be included in between the words “may” and “not”. The word “that” should be included at the end of line 21, and the third-last word in the line should be “that”.
Under “Determination by Minister”, line 24 should begin:
(2) Within 45 days after the day on which the application was received
Moving on, proposed paragraph 9(2)(a) would begin with the following: “if he or she is satisfied”. The amendment would also add these words: “applicant”; “the”; and “the”.